The 24th Kolmogorov Readings
May 2—5, 2025
Time. The 25th Kolmogorov Readings, an International Science Conference for high school students, will be held in hybrid format on May 2–5, 2025.
Venue. At 2025, the conference will be held in the mixed format. In-person participants will be accommodated on the campus of AESC MSU (11 Kremenchugskaya str., Moscow). Virtual participants will give their talks online, most probably, by Zoom. Details to be posted.
Organizers. Advanced Education and Science Center (AESC) of Moscow State University (Kolmogorov School) in cooperation with Lomonosov Moscow State University departments
Goal. The Conference is intended to search for and support talented students who are interested in science and research, to expand teachers’ scientific and methodological horizons.
The Conference program includes Student Sections in:
• Mathematics
• Physics
• Computer Science and Mathematical Modeling
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Humanities
and the Teacher Section with the topic “Problems of school education”.
Languages. The Conference working languages are Russian and English.
Welcome! The organizers cordially invite high school students, teachers and other educators from Russia and abroad to take part in the Readings. The Conference is intended to search for and support talented students who are interested in science and research, to expand teachers’ scientific and methodical outlook.
Cost of participation.
For students: 19 000 rubles per person, which includes transfer, accommodation, full board, and special culture program.
Accommodation and full board on days before and/or after the conference days are 2000 rubles a day per person.
For teachers and other accompanying persons: 15 000 rubles per person, which includes transfer, accommodation, full board, and special culture program.
Online: 0 rubles per paper.
Registration. Please fill in the application form and submit your abstracts to the Organizing Committee by March 18, 2025. All applications are only accepted through the online registration system at Lomonosov. Applications sent by regular mail or e-mail will not be accepted. The abstracts should be submitted in MS Word format (no more than one and a half A4 page in 12 pt size font with 1 line spacing).
Detailed requirements for abstract formatting can be downloaded here. A sample abstract can be found here. An application may be rejected by the expert committee.
The list of the accepted works will be published no later than April 1, 2025. The invited participants should e-mail their “Team Application” by April 10, 2025, to the Organization Committee ( The application form will be posted on this web-page and on he web portal Lomonosov.
! Registration must be performed by one of the project authors, not by a parent, not by a supervisor, etc.
!! Co-authors should not register in the portal “Lomonosov” and are indicated in the comments.
Friday, May 2 Opening of the 25th Kolmogorov Readings
Saturday, May 3 Presentations
Sunday, May 4 Culture program or free time
Monday, May 5 Closing and awarding ceremony
Adress: Advanced Education and Science Center of Moscow State University (Kolmogorov School)
11, Kremenchugskaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 121352
Phone number: +79636606525 (in case of urgency after 01.05.2025)
Abstract Requirements and Guidelines: