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Welcome to the 20th Kolmogorov Readings, the international science conference for high school students!

The conference will be held on May 3—7, 2020 on the Kolmogorov School campus in Moscow.

The goal of the Kolmogorov Readings is to provide a platform for high school students from Russia and other countries to present their findings in mathematics, science and humanities and for the teachers to share their experience in the organization of student research and project work. It has become a traditional meeting point for talented students and their advisors, teachers, educators, as well as the faculty of the Kolmogorov School and the school’s alumni.

The Conference program includes Student Sections in:
• Physics
• Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Humanities

and the Teacher Section
Teachers’ and Students’ Creative Activity: how participating schools support, promote, and organize student project work and research.

The working languages of the Kolmogorov Readings are Russian and English.

The 8th, 9th and 10th grade students may take part in the additional competition in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology (the Kolmogorov Contest).

To apply for the Conference students and teachers must register by March 17, 2020 at Please fill in the application form and submit the abstracts of their works to the Organizing Committee. Applications are only accepted through the on-line registration. The applications sent by the regular mail or e-mail will not be accepted. The abstracts should be in MS Word format (no more than one A4 page in 14 pt font size with 1 line spacing).  See . An application may be rejected by the expert committee.

The list of the accepted works will be published no later than April 1, 2020. The invited participants should e-mail their Team Applications (and, in some cases, the full text of their papers if requested by the expert committee) by April 7, 2020, to the Organization Committee, The application form and the final list of selected projects are posted on this page and the Lomonosov web portal.


Lomonosov Moscow State University, Advanced Education and Science Center (AESC) of Moscow State University (Kolmogorov School), Alumni Club of Kolmogorov School


Advanced Education and Science Center of Moscow State University (Kolmogorov School)
11, Kremenchugskaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 121352
In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at and +7(925) 478-00-70 (in case of urgency)

Cost of participation

Accommodation, meals, and conference souvenirs are covered by the grant supporting AESC. Other possible expenses are covered by participants themselves. The fees are to be determined by the organizing committee for each team individually.

Abstract Formatting Rules

Abstract Template.docx






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